my heart goes out to all who have suffered/are suffering through the aftermath of this terrible storm. not a lot of suffering here in our part of central connecticut. the days off that we were lucky to have with our power intact have been spent in a frenzy of making things. maia has been especially productive, learning how to run the sewing machine herself.

after building a trundle bed for her bitty twins out of a shoebox and covering the backboard with slin and fleece, she sewed the twins coordinating blankets and pillows. she also made herself a pair of cupcake jammie bottoms (i helped a little with the fiddly waistband and hem).
i spent a bunch of time cleaning the studio to get it in working order and then took a wad of cast-off "scrap" polymer clay that maia had discarded and made a bracelet. i've actually been enjoying wearing it, too.
and i think i've figured out what to do with the giant bezel i made in a workshop with celie fago. that open circle will hold a sunstone in a fine silver bezel and the gap around the polymer clay disk will be filled with some more polymer (dark gray). maybe. we'll see.
I was SO SURE you guys would be without power, how nice that you got some storm days to just play and hang out and work on projects! And flush your toilets, too!
i know it's been a lovely, guilty pleasure.
The honkin' bezel makes a comeback! I like where it's headed! ....and the bracelet, and Maia's sewing projects...and the fact that you get time off and get to have your power. All good!
i KNOW...all good!xoxo
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