during the storm i struck on an idea that i thought was a really good one. i worked on it for hours. i worked late into the night and then went right back to work in the morning. about twenty minutes in i asked myself "what the heck are you doing?!" at that specific point in time i was sanding polymer like a maniac, thru several grits (320, 400, 600)...and i hate excessive hand sanding. the unpleasantness of the task at hand snapped me back to reality. i had been madly making polymer lucky-stone beads. like these, except there are LOTS more....
ummmm, what a bad idea. lucky stones are, well, lucky...and they're stones. these are lame and a pain in the tuchus (that IS how you spell it- i looked it up on obsessivejew.com) to sand. i think i was missing little cranberry, ME, where finding the REAL stones is more a matter of attentiveness than luck!
while looking on google images for some beachy scenes of little cranberry i came upon this image....these buoys look VERY familiar. (it's a lovely photo, by dana moos and the one above is a cropped version of a beautiful photo by paul andrew)
so i abandoned those and got back to work on this...it's coming along, although the lighting in my kitchen at night does not do it justice. when i finish stringing it, i'll take it outside for a photo shoot.

Well, I think your polymer stones look pretty cool. Though I can relate to disliking all of that sanding. I'd be happy to send you more of the real thing if you need them....
xoxo B
thanks, dear friend...i have a LOT already...these are kind of tiny and in my head they were going to be more substantial...i haven't totally given up, but i want to explore using my rotary tool to sand...hey, when i showed maia that picture of the buoys and asked her what they reminded her of she said..."brucie!!!" with a big smile...
Aww. Sweet Maia! Brucie misses you guys too. We're getting snowed on right now, are you?
Have you tried using a muslin wheel to buff those stones? kip the sanding and see what they look like if you buff them.
I hate sanding of any kind. Hey, guess what? We painted our living room! It made me think of you and your many painting successes in your house.
xoxo Cut the pie like Bruce!
Kip or skip the sanding!
muslin wheel...that's a good idea!
snowed in, for the morning...about 9".we have a 2 hour delay this morning.
i saw your livingroom! it's beautiful! did you just HAPPEN to have that gorgeous paint lying around is what i was wondering....there was no mention of a trip to select and purchase paint in there!!!
xoxo cut the pie!
No, we took a while to settle on a color. I wanted some kind of pale yellow. Bruce didn't want yellow. So we went with Montgomery White...which is just the color I wanted and Bruce likes it too. I hadn't painted in so long. Now I get it! Ready to take on all the rooms in the house! And they could use it!
I bought the paint in Bar Harbor. (Which is no longer crowded like the time when I saw you there in the Hannaford parking lot!)
i know...i kind of like painting...everything is fresh and new color is always good...no painting today, it's evan's 13th birthday! xoxo
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