hello, new...
my morning routine has been altered significantly. it all started when the winter weather kept me from my walks outside (months ago). my middle-aged body rebelled against the sitting-around with creaks and rattles and aches and pains.
so, my leisurely weekday mornings which used to start at 4:55 with coffee and knitting now start at 4:25 with treadmill and sweat (followed by coffee and shower).
goodbye morning knitting, i loved you.
the truth of the matter is, 6 mornings in and i feel better already....sad but true.
as a fellow teacher i can relate to that precious early, early morning quiet time, but...4:25? holly, you are one motivated woman! maybe i'll try to push the clock back a little too.
Geeze. I feel like a big slug.
Maybe the weather will be good enough to get in some early morning walks in Rockland...soon!!
becky, the only reason i do it is because afternoons are filled with my kids' activities (and i'm BONE TIRED at night)...don't get up earlier if you don't have to!!!! i'm so glad to see that you're back to teachingasart and i was lurking over on dukebecky and loved to see all your wedding pics!!!
barb, you're no slug!!! hopefully the weather will let us walk nice and early....i wonder what time class will start?
Well, your morning commitment is impressive. Have you tried walking and knitting at the same time??!!
you made me laugh out loud!
Good grief! That's the middle of the night not the morning! Are you crazy? What time do you go to bed? Hope the knitting gets another time slot.
oh ruth, i've been going to bed ridiculously early...9:30ish...strange how a 30 minute shift in wake-up time has required me to add 1.5 hour of sleep to each night! i do knit...at lunch sometimes and during my kids' sport practices and games (i'm a no-looking knitter) and car rides too...i could never give up knitting entirely!
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