20 July 2009

it's been awhile, yes?

sometimes life just hands you little (sometimes big!) gifts.
i'm just back from an unexpected trip to the metal clay world conference in chicago. lucky me, i had decided that going this year would not be possible and then the jewelry fairy (oops, i mean the wonderful barbara fernald... www.barbarasfernald.com) dropped an opportunity in my lap!
so i'm back...excited, energized, invigorated...so why am i posting on the blog rather than working in the studio? well, i'm REALLY going to try hard to update the blog more frequently, so here's the start....
now i'm off to the studio!
more posts to come!


Barb Fernald said...

SOOOO Happy to see your blog update! Today, I finally have time to spend in the studio. A whole day to dedicate to work after sleeping in way too late. I can't wait to see what we each come up with after our rejuvenating conference.
I miss you! xoxo

holly kellogg said...

i miss you, too!
today i'll have some time, too...i'll start with taking lots of pictures to use in future posts, when pickin's get slim!
have a great day!

Barb Fernald said...

I lost my camera on Sunday. The day I got home> Hmm....I'll have to get out the old one and put up with the shadow until I make some $ to get a new one. I feel really lost without it. Did you ever get a new camera?

holly kellogg said...

interesting you should ask that! i will be creating a post about that TOMORROW...stay tuned!