30 January 2012

window seat. after.

new curtains-jc penney. new pillows-target. done. oh yeah, except for the rug that we don't own yet.


Barb Fernald said...

Wow! It looks great! I like those curtains too.

Marly and Angie said...

Hi Holly,
What a beautiful room! Love the window seat...curtains, pillows, (good news...Target is coming to Canada) the bright, large windows...and the trees! Wish we were closer so we could sit around the table, have a coffee, and a good chat with you! Miss you!
M and A

holly kellogg said...

aw.... thanks for your kind words....this house is my never-ending project-i never get anything just perfect!
i miss you guys, too! someday we'll have the chance to get together again!