somehow, it seemed like a reasonable idea to take an online class this month. y'know, in my free time.
i pushed through 6 of the 10 required assignments in the first couple weeks thinking "whew! i'm almost done." well, now it is perilously close to the end of the month and i have not yet completed the other assignments. one of the assignments is a series-of-3 digital self portrait. setting up meaningful, symbolic still lifes, etc. i think i will include this goofy, smirky pic entitled "portrait of the artist in her environment". in my kitchen. with my apron on. doing the camera-at-arm's length thing. notice i captured the reflections of 2 perplexed kiddles in the window.....
well, i'd better run. gotta write a poem to go with a painting i did.......
Hey, aren't you also sitting on your new window seat? I love seeing your smiling face! Though it makes me miss you more.
What's the class? I totally understand the need for deadlines to get work done.
xoxo from your last minute friend!
ohhhh, you're so cute, i miss you too!
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