so here's how today went for me.....
i spent almost 8 hours in my un-air-conditioned must have gotten up into the high 80's in there. it was so hot that i left immediately to do some grading at home.
when i got home i noticed how lovely my garden was looking, so i took my new canon powershot out to test the macro function...

a lovely foxglove (i think) that joined us, uninvited (thank you, garden gods!).
a home depot peony that's super pretty, but smells like....nothing ( :o( ).
i don't know what this little shrub is called...but i love the shapes of the blossom before they burst open.
and then? well, then black clouds descended. and the winds started to blow. and i hustled the kids inside with an eye to getting in the basement.....
and when we went outside after it was over, this is what we found.....
dang. pain in the butt.
at least the giant branches that came down in the backyard didn't squash any of our pretty ornamental trees.....
The pretty pink one looks like a mountain laurel... we have one next to the porch in the front yard.
I agree with Alice. I think it's a mountain laurel. I don't have one, but I sure wish i did. So pretty! Unlike your car. Sheesh! That is not a good surprise. Sounds like quite a storm. You have had some extreme weather this year.
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