i'm currently LOVING the combination of sunstone (www.oregonsunstone.com) leopard jasper, and carnelian. how not-like-me is that circly necklace on the left? it's really pretty, but unusually tricky to get to sit down right-it has to be twisted JUST RIGHT before it's put on.

big, honkin' pinched-rather-than-rolled ring. i was imagining that my fingerprints would be a lovely texture. it turns out the CRACKING might be lovely, or look like a disaster...not sure which. i didn't pinch it out fast enough, so it started to dry. trying to decide if i should just leave it as crackly with 2 set pearls, or carve something along the band...

i'm always trying to think of what to do with 3-6" leftover pieces of beadalon. i think these elements might be a necklace-in-progress.

every once in awhile i think "gosh, all i ever use is sunstones" and i decide to take a break...then, a couple weeks later, i open the drawer where they are and realize they're just GORGEOUS...and incredibly versatile...they beauties came from www.oregonsunstone.com.
I like the circle necklace. And I love the stone combination. Hey, are those circles fused FS wire? They are so perfectly round!
And I never get tired of seeing sunstones in your work.
they're not fused...while i'm perfectly comfortable balling up the ends of wire, not so much on the fusing! those circles area variety of sizes- 3 cards thick and then i use my circle cutters-big, medium, small, straw, coffee stirrer in a target design. you get lots of circles to use with just a little clay. i do have plans to fuse more 10 gauge -very satisfying and no melting!
hope mom's doing well-was lunch nice?
Lunch was delicious, and Mom was reassured about cataract surgery should she ever decide to have it. Right now she thinks she still sees well enough.
Are you still considering a 5 p.m. flight back from Indianapolis?
absolutely...i think my flight last time might have been as late as 6...i really didn't mind hanging at the airport...decompressing, snacking, sketching, reading....when is your flight? i'll commit to flights soon....
My flight out is at 5 p.m. Sounds like it will fit your schedule to share a ride to the airport!
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