27 April 2010

canon 50mm f2.5

ahhhhh....macro. this is the lens that will make all of my photography dreams come true. it's on it's way to me right now, as i type. all of my photos will now be perfect. right?!


Barb Fernald said...

Congratulations! My friend Miklos and I are always pulling out our little point and shoot macro lenses at dinner parties or whenever. Fritz dubbed our behavior, "texture wars."
This looks like the big gun of texture wars! You will have fun for sure.

holly kellogg said...

are you home? was your trip great?

Barb Fernald said...

I am home. Bruce had his boat in N.E. harbor, so we came home by 6 p.m. The trip was great. Susie and I had Friday and half of Saturday on our own, then Bruce's sister Karen and her husband Hugh arrived from Baltimore. Then Bruce arrived on Sunday. He drove down with Dan and Cynthia Lief, whose son has the foundation, Ubuntu Education Fund, the beneficiary of the fund raising party at Brooklyn Bowl on Monday night. (Was that just last night?) Great music, food, (lobsters donated and delivered by Bruce)
everyone bowled, you could not hear each other speak b/c the music was so loud, and then we rode back to Rye after midnight in a stretch limo. Fun times. I bought mucho paper yesterday at A.I. Friedman to try for photo backgrounds.
Now off to bed!

holly kellogg said...

oh, that sounds GREAT! rest up! my lens comes today, i think!