i've been trying to look at my blog and etsy shop with a critical eye. it appears that my work does have a certain "look" or "style" to it...a plus when you are working on marketing or branding yourself. Right now, for me, all that neutral silver, brown, gray is looking a bit dull. maybe it's that i know spring is coming, but i need some COLOR! so that's my personal challenge for a bit...to break out of my comfort zone and play around a bit with color...with that in mind, i came up with this...

which, honestly, isn't that colorful...
so then i started working on this....

you'll just have to use your imagination, for now. i'm in the middle of constructing the silver part, and am considering tinted concrete (!!!) or polymer for the color.
ooh, pretty! i'm intrigued by your color ideas!
Can't wait to see what you do for a finished piece. Is that a stone in the top photo? Or is that colored concrete? A ceramic piece? Cheese from the back of your refrigerator? Fun colors in it, whatever it is.
I moderated our Town Meeting today. Interesting and exhausting. Went to bed at 8:30. Only to be too wired to fall asleep.
So here I am, still up, and so happy to find the next part of the story on your blog. I always like finding a new post, seeing what you're working on.
old cheese! hee hee...just a hunk of glazed ceramic...loved your town meeting post; makes me want to live there! out sick yesterday and wishing i had done the same today. i rarely get sick, but this one's a doozy...
Wow. I hope you start feeling better soon. Two days in a row of feeling sick stinks. Take plenty of naps and don't worry about anything. Then watch some mindless TV or read a book. Your body is telling you to rest rest rest!
feel better, holly!
thanks, sweet friends!
Hey Holly,
Will you be firing the cheese piece in place or setting it later? If firing it in place, what temperature would you use and would you be using PMC3? And for how long?
I have some glazed ceramic pieces I would like to try.
i'm considering some COLD CONNECTIONS (tabs, maybe) for attaching this old cheese, although i could fire it in place because it's my own old cheese, that i made myself in a kiln that went all the way up to 1800ish degrees. in my experience, refiring these babies at 1500-1600 doesn't change them enough to mention.
I'm sure whatever you do with it will be great. I especially like that its your own ceramic piece. Is it a broken piece from your Cheeseware plates?
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